Tuesday, May 21, 2013

How we met

I have finally caved and decided to create a blog!
I wanted to wait until Shad and I got married.
 But I got bored today
and decided to create it sooner! :)

Shad and I have been together for a year and half now
we will be getting married at the end of
How we met is kind of a funny but its our way 
&& I love it. 

One night my sister and I decided to go bowling,
two lanes down was a group of three guys.
They kept watching me bowl, because 
I guess I am pretty good at it ;)

Well, after we were done I decided the one
guy was really cute!
I was too nervous to go give him my number
so my sister did for me. 
We started to text and after a few months
started to hang out and date.

After a few dates Shad
took me up on the mountain
to watch a sunset
&& started to sing to me.
That was the start of our relationship,
&& Ever since then we
have been inseparable.

We have made each other better people,
and helped each other out in so many ways.
We have started to plan out our future
and I can not wait for it to start.
July 26, 2013
Will be the start of our new life together
as Mr. & Mrs. Alldredge.